Why Choose Trademark Chamber for Amazon Brand Registry?

Our Quick Sign-Up Process

Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
  • 1
    Initial Sign-Up

    Sign-up with us by filling out the form.

  • 2
    Secure & Easy Payment

    Use our safe and secure payment methods to pay online.

  • 3
    Case Preparation Started

    Our Amazon Brand Registry Experts will start preparing your case for Registration.

About Us We Protect Your Brand & Give You Peace of Mind - Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry for Just $99! START MY TRADEMARK REGISTRATION

Benefits of Registering Your Brand on Amazon

Prevent Rivals from Stealing your Product Listings:

Once your brand is registered on Amazon, your competitors will be unable to copy or steal your product listings and present them as their own. Our team will vigilantly monitor any attempts by your rivals to steal your listings and promptly report them to Amazon. We're committed to ensuring that they don't profit from your listings and that your brand remains protected..

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Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Utilize Amazon's Advanced Features to Boost Sales:

Once you register your brand on Amazon, you'll be granted access to an abundance of search, administration, and reporting features. These tools will provide you with the necessary information to plan and increase your sales. Additionally, our team of specialists is always available to support you, and we guarantee our dedication to your success.

Provision of Advertising-Related Tools and Templates:

By registering your brand on Amazon, you'll have access to Amazon's advertising templates and resources. Leveraging these tools to advertise your brand on Amazon and appear as a sponsored brand in the search results can increase your chances of conversion by a factor of 200%.

Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Build Better Amazon Brand Stores:

pon registering your brand on Amazon, you'll receive free access to Amazon's multi-page storefronts, which can be a costly service otherwise. These storefronts allow you to create visually attractive and segmented pages while providing you with brand data and insights for each page individually

Access to the Brands That Are Being Sponsored:

Increase brand identification among consumers by using ad layouts with up to three images of your distinctive items, your company's emblem, and one or more attention-grabbing headlines.

Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Amazon's New Seller Incentives:

Amazon offers a variety of incentives, such as cash refunds, prizes, and reduced advertising costs, to registered businesses. You'll be eligible for these savings once you've finished setting up your Amazon brand Registry.

Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Become a Verified Amazon Seller - Protect & Promote Your Brand with Us for Just $99!
Amazon Brand Registry is now easier than ever! With our expert consultants and affordable rates, we are Brand Owners' top choice! REGISTER TRADEMARK NOW
Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring

Our Service Packages

$ 49
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
$ 149
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Case Review
  • Case Preparation
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
$ 199
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Case Review
  • Case Preparation
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation
  • Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
$ 349
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
  • 100% Approval Guarantee
  • Comprehensive Trademark Search Report (Federal & State)
  • 24 Hrs. Expedited Service
$ 99
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Professional Preparation of your federal copyright application including a review by the copyright team for accuracy, completeness and common mistakes
  • Federal E-Filing Electronic filing of your application with the USPTO with no need to wait for mail or dealing with paper files
  • Certificate of Registration that will be mailed to you directly from the U.S. Copyright Office.
$ 149
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Cease & Desist Letter A customer-specific form you can further customize if someone is infringing on your copyright. Avoid wasting time and money
  • Transfer/Assignment Custom assignment template. If you need to sell or otherwise convey your copyright, you have access to your pre-filled in template that you can further customize
  • 24-hour Expedited Processing of the preparation of your copyright application. Normal processing time is 5 business days in our Basic package
Start Your Business with Ease
  • Make sure you're not liable for any business debts.
    Ensure you're not on the hook for business liabilities
  • Company Formation through a Simple Process:
    Our 3 step process discards with entering your details, Then selecting a service and lastly payment.
  • Save Money on Taxes:
    For potential savings you get to decide whether you're are taxed as a LLC or a Corporation
Federal & State Search
$ 149
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Trademark Search:
    The federal search provides any similar names, logos, or slogans that are registered or pending with the USPTO
  • State Search:
    The state search does the same for all 50 states
  • Detailed Online Report:
    Identifies any matches with all the information you need to strategize your next step
$ 299
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Corporate name search We run a search for all corporate and other business entity names in all 50 states.
  • Corporate Directories We search the corporate directories for listing of others who might be using your name.
  • Common law Proprietary internet searches reveal the use of your name that may be protected by common law trademarks.
  • Domain names We search the most common top level domain names to see if anyone is using your name online.
Global Search
$ 499
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Global Search:
    We search for pending and registered marks in these multi-national jurisdictions
  • Domain Names:
    The European community
  • Domain names:
    World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
$ 99
+ USPTO filing fee
  • E-Selling Platform Case Review
  • E-Selling Platform Case Filing
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
$ 149
+ USPTO filing fee
  • E-Selling Platform Case Review
  • E-Selling Platform Case Preparation
  • E-Selling Platform Case Filing
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Refusal Risk Meter
$ 199
+ USPTO filing fee
    • E-Selling Platform Case Review
    • E-Selling Platform Case Preparation
    • E-Selling Platform Case Filing
    • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
    • Refusal Risk Meter
    • E-Selling Platform Case Monitoring
    • Complete Documentation
    • Digital File
    • Dedicated Case Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can Amazon Brand Registry exempt my products from Global Trade Item Number (GTIN/UPC/EAN/ISBN) requirements?

    Amazon Brand Registry offers a limited exemption for products that are exclusive to the brand and lack a standard GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), UPC (Universal Product Code), or ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Yet, manufacturers are still encouraged to obtain GTINs for their products because they facilitate identification and tracking.

    To qualify for the exemption, the brand owner must submit proof that the product is exclusive to the brand, such as a patent or Registration of copyright. The exemption is limited to Amazon-sold products and does not extend to other avenues of distribution.

  • I am an Amazon Seller or Vendor who registered a brand before April 30, 2017. Do I need to re-enroll?

    Yes, if a brand has previously enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry before April 30, 2017, the brand owner must re-enroll in order to continue enjoying Brand Registry benefits. Amazon changed the enrollment requirements in 2017 to require extra information, including the brand’s registered trademark number, and to validate the trademark’s legitimacy.

    The brand owner must give the same information required for new enrollment in order to re-enroll, including the registered trademark number, associated product categories, and photographs of the product and packaging. The brand will be re-enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry once the information has been validated.

  • What information is necessary to register a brand in the Amazon Brand Registry?

    To register a brand with Amazon Brand Registry, the brand owner must provide the following information:

    • The registered trademark number (given by the appropriate government body)
    • A list of product categories for which the brand is registered
    • Pictures of the product and packaging with the brand name and emblem prominently displayed;
    • An email address associated with the brand owner’s Amazon account
    • A list of countries in which the brand’s products are manufactured and distributed.

    Once the application is submitted by the brand owner and Amazon verifies the trademark registration, the brand will be added to the Amazon Brand Registry.

  • Does Amazon Brand Registry recognize EUIPO trademarks?

    Amazon Brand Registry accepts EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) trademarks. To be eligible for Amazon Brand Registry, a brand must have a federally registered trademark in the country or region where participation is sought. Included are EUIPO trademarks.

    To enroll in Amazon Brand Registry with a EUIPO trademark, the brand must supply a registration number, the authenticity of which Amazon will check. If the registration number matches the brand name and is legitimate, the application will be approved.

    Possessing a EUIPO trademark is advantageous for brands selling items on the European market since it protects the brand and its intellectual property. Registration with Amazon Brand Registry increases this protection and assists in preventing infringement by third-party sellers.

  • Does Amazon Brand Registry assist with conflicts involving utility patents?

    The main goal of the Amazon Brand Registry is to assist brand owners in safeguarding their copyrights and trademarks on Amazon. Yet occasionally, Amazon could be able to help with conflicts involving utility patents.

    Brand owners have the right to protest Amazon if they think a seller on the site is violating their utility patent. Then, Amazon might look into the situation and act appropriately to settle the conflict.

    It is crucial to remember that Amazon is not a legal authority and cannot give legal counsel or render judgments. Brand owners who are embroiled in utility patent issues ought to seek advice from an experienced lawyer on how to proceed.

  • If the existing holder of the Brand Registry rights has left the organization or I have acquired the brand from another organization, how can I access my brand?

    The new brand owner must first prove that they are the rightful owner of the brand if the previous holder of the Brand Registry rights has left the business or if the brand has been acquired from another business. You can do this by giving Amazon documentation of your ownership, like a trademark registration certificate.

    Once brand ownership has been confirmed, the new brand owner can ask to be granted access to the brand register by getting in touch with Amazon Seller Help. Brand-related details, including the brand name, the trademark registration number, and any other pertinent information, must be sent to Amazon by the brand owner.

    The brand owner will be given access to the brand registration once Amazon has confirmed the new brand owner’s ownership of the trademark. After then, the brand owner can maintain their brand on Amazon and utilize the resources and advantages offered by the brand registration.

  • Where do I enter an Amazon Brand Registry verification code?

    In order to register for the Amazon Brand Registry, you must submit a verification code. The brand owner must first get a code from Amazon before they can submit a verification code. Contacting Amazon Seller Help or using the “Verify Your Brand” button on the brand registry enrollment page will yield this code.

    The brand owner can access their Amazon Seller Central account and go to the “Brands” area after getting the verification code. After doing so, users can choose “Verify Your Brand” and enter the code they were given by Amazon. The brand owner must click the “Submit” button to finish the verification procedure after entering the code.

    The verification code must be sent as soon as you can after obtaining it because it only remains valid for a brief period of time.

  • Is it possible for extra users and brand representatives to gain access to Amazon Brand Registry?

    Yes, it is possible for brand representatives’ agents to access Amazon Brand Registry as well as other users. To accomplish this, the brand owner must extend an invitation for the agent or user to register as a user of the brand. By login into their Amazon Seller Central account and going to the “User Permissions” area, the brand owner can accomplish this. By choosing the “Brand Registry” option, the brand owner can then provide the user access to the brand register.

    It is significant to note that the brand owner should use caution when providing third-party agents or users access to the brand registration. Only those people or organizations should be given permission to access the brand registry by the brand owner.

  • How can I find out where my application stands?

    The brand owner can log into their Amazon Seller Central account and visit the “Brands” area to see the status of their application for the Amazon Brand Registry. The application’s status will be presented there, whether it is being considered, approved, or rejected. The brand owner can anticipate a response from Amazon within a few days if the application is being reviewed.

    It is significant to note that Amazon will notify the brand owner via the registered email if more information or documents are needed to process the application. As a result, it is crucial to pay close attention to Amazon’s email notifications throughout the application procedure.

    In some circumstances, Amazon may need more time to review an application, and the status might stay “under review” for a considerable amount of time. When a respectable amount of time has passed, if the brand owner has not heard from Amazon with any updates or notifications, they can get help from their support staff.

    A dedicated Brand Registry support center that offers brand owners a variety of materials to aid in managing their brand on the platform is also available through Amazon. The support center has videos, FAQs, and other helpful material that can guide brand owners through the application procedure and let them know how their application is progressing.

    Finally, by login into the Amazon Seller Central account and going to the “Brands” section, it is simple to verify the status of an application for the Amazon Brand Registry. During the application process, brand owners should also pay particular attention to email notifications from Amazon. If they have any queries or issues, they can get in touch with Amazon support.

  • How can I find out where my application stands?

    The brand owner can log into their Amazon Seller Central account and visit the “Brands” area to see the status of their application for the Amazon Brand Registry. The application’s status will be presented there, whether it is being considered, approved, or rejected. The brand owner can anticipate a response from Amazon within a few days if the application is being reviewed.
    It is significant to note that Amazon will notify the brand owner via the registered email if more information or documents are needed to process the application. As a result, it is crucial to pay close attention to Amazon’s email notifications throughout the application procedure.
    In some circumstances, Amazon may need more time to review an application, and the status might stay “under review” for a considerable amount of time. When a respectable amount of time has passed, if the brand owner has not heard from Amazon with any updates or notifications, they can get help from their support staff.
    A dedicated Brand Registry support center that offers brand owners a variety of materials to aid in managing their brand on the platform is also available through Amazon. The support center has videos, FAQs, and other helpful material that can guide brand owners through the application procedure and let them know how their application is progressing.
    Finally, by login into the Amazon Seller Central account and going to the “Brands” section, it is simple to verify the status of an application for the Amazon Brand Registry. During the application process, brand owners should also pay particular attention to email notifications from Amazon. If they have any queries or issues, they can get in touch with Amazon support.

Top Reasons Why Sellers Should Register their Brands on Amazon

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Become a Verified Amazon Seller - Protect & Promote Your Brand with Us for Just $99!

Amazon Brand Registry is now easier than ever! With our expert consultants and affordable rates, we are Brand Owners' top choice!